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Version: 1.0.0


Audio progress bar - The bar that helps to play, stop and pause the audio.

Compare mode - The mode to compare the tranlsation text with the reference text.

HTML - HyperText Markup Language

Language Code - The menu of International Codes for the representation of names of languages. Here you select the ISO 639-2 code of the language of your reference text.

LTR - Left to right (Script direction)

Metadata file - File which contains the details of the translated audio Bible.

Paratext - Paratext is a software application for translation, checking, and revision of the Bible from the original text into the languages of the world.

Reference pane - The left side of the of the Autographa Live screen which displays the chosen reference text.

Reference text - The Bible used as a reference for the translation.

RTL - Right to left (Script direction)

Script direction - The direction in which the content is displayed in the language.

Translation text - The new version of the bible that is being translated.

Translation pane - The space on the right side of the Autographa Live screen given for translation.

USFM - Unified Standard Format Markers